| Username: Ceesaurus (deleted)
Gender: male Joined: 2012-02-06 Last action: 2012-11-01 Karma: 0 Accepted images (total): 8 Accepted images (30 days): 0 Comments: 510 (17 as anon) LOLcards: 0 LOLcard gifts from Ceesaurus: 0 LOLcard gifts for Ceesaurus: 0 Popularity: -1 (5 likes, 6 hates) (Log in to cast a like/hate)
| Introduction: So i had a revelation the other day..
I was whistling during cooking and it occurred to me that if one would whistle all of his/her life, chances are : They'd die whistling !!!
If this is true then rule#34 must apply on the following : I was fucking a mother the other day, and it occurred to me that if one would fuck mothers all his life, chances are : He'd die as a motherfucker!Explain this bullshit http://theuglydance.com/?v=wuuspuwbcj
Oh, and btw. Remember what you are doing here son ! ┌∩┐(◣ ̬ ◢)┌∩┐ | To look for images posted by Ceesaurus in the archive (posted under a real name), try: http://chan4chan.com/search/by:Ceesaurus |